Tuesday, 14 February 2023

Google’s Late Entry Into the Chatbot Race: What Alphabet CEO Had to Say

On Monday, Alphabet chief John Hennessy revealed the reason for Google’s reluctance to announce AI app ‘Bard’ to compete with ‘ChatGPT’ in recent days.

He said the app announcement, which finally went public last week, was meant to demonstrate that the company has similar technology to ChatGPT, though it still has a long way to go before the final product is ready. .

“Google was reluctant to transform Bard in a product because he didn’t think it was ready yet, but it’s a nice piece of technology,” added Hennessy, who has been president of parent company Google since 2018. He went on to say that he believes generative AI is still one o two years from being a really useful tool for the general public.

Hennessy spoke at a summit held by venture capital firm Celesta Capital in Mountain View, in California.

Hennessy has a long history in the technology field, including his work as a professor, researcher and company founder. According to CNBC, he also served as the president of Stanford University from 2000 to 2016, which was seen by Al Arabiya.net .

Hennessy noted that Google was under pressure due to the sudden surge of interest in ChatGPT.

Last week, Google rolled out its response to ChatGPT, announcing Bard. However, the announcement seemed rushed to match Microsoft’s disclosure of the integration of ‘ChatGPT’ artificial intelligence technology into its search engine, ‘Bing’, which prompted investors to sell shares in aggressively and led to a 9% drop in “Google” shares. the day of the announcement.

Hennessey said Google has been slow to implement its competitor ChatGPT in partly because he still gave wrong answers.

He also stressed that a new technology cannot be introduced to users who might provide wrong answers or toxic content, especially since the Internet’s founding generation considered such things to be “outcasts”.

Hennessy added that he was impressed with the capabilities of “ChatGPT”, in particular by the exponential growth of the application, which has exceeded expectations.

In a related context, Hennessy pointed out that the current momentum is well suited for “Silicon Valley” startups to benefit from the recruitment of fired talent from giant tech companies.

“One of the great things about Silicon Valley is that you can’t rest on your old laurels because a new startup will come along and give you a chance to explore new areas of growth,” he said.

The post Google’s Late Entry Into the Chatbot Race: What Alphabet CEO Had to Say appeared first on Asume Tech.

from Technology - Asume Tech https://asumetech.com/googles-late-entry-into-the-chatbot-race-what-alphabet-ceo-had-to-say/

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